
What is the MUUT?


The a Master User Upload Template -- the "MUUT" – is what you will use to bring your pre-existing user data into your new website and user database.

The HAA will create the basic MUUT which includes all known Alumni in your area (clubs) or known members of your SIG.  Your Club/SIG will be responsible for tagging your current members.  If you cannot find an alum or member on the list, you should add the name to the bottom.

Do not send us your entire alumni list that we may have sent you in the past – we already have those names.  We just need a copy of your current paid members.

As an enterprise level client, the HAA has established a database/report structure that may not mirror what your Club or SIG currently has.  This will require that administrators spend some time prior and after the website launch to review the reporting structure (including adjusting how you currently reconcile transactions with CyberSource) and make it useful for your Club/SIG. After your site launches, you should plan to spend time re-working how you manage your current database and transactions.