Welcome to Newly Admitted and Incoming Students Events
Spring & Summer 2025
Local Harvard clubs often provide admitted students with their first in-person welcome to our Harvard community through new admit events in the spring and welcome events in the summer (northern-hemisphere seasons).
- Welcome to Newly Admitted Students Events (Spring)
While individual school timelines vary, most Harvard schools share an overlapping window between their offers of admission and enrollment confirmation deadlines from March 22 to April 11, 2025. If your club is planning a new admit event, it is recommended that you consider this timeframe while scheduling your event. Please note that the College admits will be invited at the discretion of the College Admission Office based on other existing outreach in that location. The deadline to register to host a Welcome to Newly Admitted Students event is Friday, January 24, 2025.
- Welcome to Incoming Students & Their Families (Summer)
Welcome to Incoming Students events are a great opportunity to welcome newly enrolled students and their families and to engage with their local Harvard community. As you decide on your event date, please note that many Harvard Griffin GSAS students are especially likely to depart for campus’ programs in June or July. Events hosted after students have arrived on campus (last week in August) will not be considered part of this HAA initiative. The deadline to register to host a Summer Welcome to Incoming & Their Families Event is Friday, May 2, 2024.
To register your club to host a spring and/or summer welcome event please complete THIS FORM (only fully completed forms will be processed, and information added to the online listing). All the information you provide will be added to an event listings page (will be updated) to better facilitate the communication process for our colleagues at the Harvard Admission offices with the newly admitted and incoming students.
Harvard College Schools & Scholarships Committee
- If there is a Harvard College Schools & Scholarships Committee in your area, please be in contact with them to coordinate efforts before completing the form.
- As not every country/city has a Harvard College Schools & Scholarships Committee, please reach out to ssinfo@fas.harvard.edu for details in your community. We would appreciate your patience regarding a possible delay in receiving a response as they are in the midst of the application process.
Harvard College Parents Committee
- Harvard College Parents Committee is eager to support efforts to welcome families to Harvard. This dedicated group of parent ambassadors help the College convene and foster an engaged and supportive community of Harvard parents around the world and are happy to assist through co-hosting the summer welcome event, taking the lead on the parent-focused portion of the event, or simply being a resource.
- As members of the Harvard College Parents Committee do not reside every country/city, please reach out to the Harvard College Fund Parent Engagement Program at HCF_PEP@harvard.edu for details in your community.
Other Information
- This initiative supported by the HAA is in addition to your own outreach to incoming students. Please verify that the student is attending Harvard in the Fall 2025.
- Most Harvard Clubs share an expansive view of our Harvard community, welcoming parents and guardians of students. As you plan these events, please make every effort to include the families of incoming students. You can encourage admitted and/or incoming students to share the event invitations with their parents/guardians.
- The HAA is unable to provide admitted or enrolled student contact information prior to students’ arrival on campus. Promotion via the admissions offices is our only means of promoting these events to new students.
- It is not possible for us to provide counts of newly admitted or incoming students per city/country.
- Therefore, we recommend that you make sure that your event/s is/are of general interest to local alumni so that you will still be able to attract club members to attend even if there are few or no newly admitted or incoming students in your area.
- Please respect student privacy by refraining from posting or distributing their names and/or photos with their nametags or similar visible.
Questions? Please contact your staff liaison or email clubs@harvard.edu.