Summer Community Service Fellowship Program

Support students as they pursue a career in public service while giving back to your community!

The Summer Community Service Fellowship (SCSF) invites Clubs and Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) to fund one or more Harvard students interested in exploring the public interest field. Participating organizations commit to funding fellows over the summer break as they undertake an unpaid internship at a local nonprofit or design their own public service project. 

The SCSF stipend reduces the financial burden on students and incentives them to explore public service opportunities. Funding is intended to support a student over 10 weeks of full-time work and cover their costs of living. 

Per CPSES guidelines, it's recommended that Clubs and SIGs donate a minimum funding of $6,000 per student. This amount aligns with other summer funding opportunities available at Harvard College, which range from $6,000 to $8,000. We understand some Clubs and SIGs may only be able to offer $4,000 or $5,000, and we still welcome your partnership. Please note, the minimum funding amount for SCSF will increase for the next program year.

Established in 1992, SCSF provides one of the largest sources of funding for summer public service for Harvard College undergraduates. SCSF is co-managed by the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) and the Center for Public Service and Engaged Scholarship (CPSES) – a part of Phillips Brooks House.

Learn more about the program through the SCSF FAQ.

2025 Important Dates

Now - March 31:  Window for students to apply.

Early-April:  Student applications are shared with Clubs and SIGs.

April 24:  Deadline for Clubs and SIGs to select which students to fund. Clubs and SIGs are strongly encouraged to select a fellow before the deadline to secure the student for funding.

Early-May:  CPSES will host an orientation for the fellows to cover the guidelines and expectations for their participation in the program.

2025 Info Session Materials

January 8:  SCSF Info Session for participating Clubs and SIGs

How to Participate

1) Register for SCSF. Registration is now closed for summer 2025. Per CPSES guidelines, it's recommended that Clubs and SIGs donate a minimum funding of $6,000 per student. Clubs and SIGs may choose to include additional fellowship parameters upon registering.

2) Select your fellow(s). Participating Clubs and SIGs review the pool of applicants and select a student to fund. Students will be notified by the HAA and CPSES and must confirm acceptance before being contacted by a Club or SIG. 
3) Engage with the fellow(s). Clubs and SIGs are encouraged to connect with and mentor the fellow(s) during the summer. This includes inviting fellows to the organization's events and sharing career experiences and guidance.