
How to Send an eNewsletter


Click here to download PDF instructions on How to Send an eNewsletter

1.    Click “Manage Newsletters” from the admin menu.

2.    The screen that appears will show all newsletters previously sent and in progress.  To send a new email, select “+”.

3.    From the “New Newsletters” page, you will see the “Preview eNewsletter” view.


4.    Scroll down to the “Edit eNewsletter” section to select a “Recipient List” and create your newsletter.

The “Recipient List” includes some pre-created groups as well as the groups you have created:
•    All Who Opted In: Every record in the node.
•    Current Members: Current, paid members.
•    Expired Members: Expiration dates before today.
•    Never Been a Member: Users with no membership data.
•    Non Member (Expired + Never Been).
•    Admins:  All administrators on the site.
•    Additional Groups created within the node.

5.    Create your email in the “Newsletter Header” section.
If you are sending a notice about an event, you do not need to recreate the event notice within the newsletter.  In the “Included Articles” field you can either put in the article numbers separated by a coma or select from the dropdown list of the last 50 edited articles.  (You can include any article that you have created).

6.    There are also some dynamic merge fields that you can include in your newsletter (scroll to the bottom of the page).  Do not use the password merge field. This field is will not assist with password retrieval for their alumni.harvard account. This merge field will cause the email to be flagged as spam.

7.    You can also include a footer if you would like text to go below the article thumbnails.  Note: There is also standard required footer for all emails that has been customized by the HAA. If you need to change the mailing address in the standard footer, please let us know through the Support Tracker.

Now that the email is finished – you have two choices from the edit screen:

 - Send a test: the test email will be sent to everyone with “Manage Newsletters” privileges.  The link will also return you to the “Mange Newsletters” page. If someone with “Manage Newsletters” permission doesn’t receive the newsletter – check their profile to make sure they are opted in to receive eNewsletters.

 - Preview/Save Newsletter: This displays the created email at the top of the page in the “Preview eNewsletter…” section. If the preview looks OK, click “Manage Newsletters” to go back to the list of created and sent newsletters.

8.    From the “Manage Newsletters” page, you can either go back to edit the newsletter, send the newsletter or delete the newsletter.

9.    When you are ready - click “send.”  You will get one last warning to review the newsletter before it is actually sent.  Once the email is sent – it cannot be recalled.
Almost immediately the system wills start to collect some email stats. After a day or two you will have a complete report on open rates.  To view the details, click “in depth”.

10.    If you decide to use the “schedule send” option from the “edit newsletter” page, please note that the email will not be sent at the exact time that you select. The scheduled time is server time (Pacific Time) and the email will be sent out in a queue with all other emails being sent by other AlumniMagnet clients.  This can sometimes take 6 hours or more. We suggest not using the “scheduled send” option.

11.    If the “send” option is grayed out and cannot be selected, check and make sure that your webmaster@ address has been verified by the Webmaster and AlumniMagnet mailbot.  It needs to be re-verified every 6 months.  Once the AlumniMagnet mailbot verifies that they received the verification email, you will be all set to send your email.