
Membership Set-up Instructions


Click here to download PDF instructions for setting up Membership Levels

Membership Level options
For each membership level, there are 3 categories of members:

  1. New membership: first-time member (i.e., someone who is not renewing an expiring or expired membership.)
  2. Renewal membership: for alumni renewing an already expired membership.
  3. Extended membership: for alumni proactively renewing a membership about to expire (but not yet expired.)

Membership Level screening
For each membership level, you can decide how potential members register.

  1. Open To All:  Anyone can register as a member.
  2. Auto Screen: setting up Auto Screens requires custom development. The scope and cost of this will vary depending on your particular needs. If you would like to explore Auto Screens in more detail, please post a question on Support Tracker.
  3. Manual Review: All memberships are reviewed by the Membership Review Board (a group in “Manage Users”).  Applications are approved using the staff.html link.

Column Headings
Membership Level.  A number associated with each membership type.
Name . The common name with which to refer to each membership type (i.e. Standard Membership, Gold Membership, etc.)
Status. This field allows you to control visibility on the membership page. If the status is marked as active – the membership selection will be displayed on the memsub.html. If the status is marked inactive – it will be hidden on the memsub.html page.
New/Renew/Extend. These columns display the prices for members. The system allows you to set different prices according to the user's membership status prior to the transaction and incent current members to extend while current (prior to their expiration date.)