Frequently Asked Questions about the New HAA Annual Report

What is new about the Annual Report?
The new Annual Report is first and foremost a tool for Clubs and SIGs to use to do some benchmarking in their organization and set goals based on areas they determine. Unlike the previous version of the Annual Report, which primarily served HAA, the new report serves as a strategic development tool for Clubs and SIGs to assess their organization to determine where they shine, where they are fine, and where there are areas of opportunity to explore for growth. It focuses on five key areas of running a Club or SIG: Governance, Operations, Programming, Community Service, and Outreach.

Why did the HAA decide to revise the previous version?
The previous version of the report was a great way for HAA to gather a few facts about Clubs and SIGs, but it was a not a tool that was helpful to the Club or SIG completing it. We still want to gather some basic information for Clubs/SIGs, and the first page of the new Annual Report asks many of the same questions as the previous version. But we also want the report to be helpful to Clubs and SIGs, which is why we have made major revisions.

Has the process for completing the Annual Report changed?
Because the new Annual Report is an evaluation tool, we see enormous value in completing this Report as a Board, rather than having just the president complete it. It is our hope that completing the report together will foster dialogue amongst the leadership of your Club or SIG, create a shared sense of where your organization is, and facilitate deeper understanding by your Board about the evolution of your organization.
Therefore, we recommend that HAA Clubs and SIGs schedule a meeting with key, knowledgeable members of their organization; for example, many groups have an executive committee consisting of officers such as the President, the VP/President-Elect, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Activities Chairperson, and the Membership Chairperson. We recommend you choose people who are leaders and stakeholders and are the most invested members of your group. Four to six leaders of your organization would be a great-sized group to complete the new Annual Report.

How long will it take to fill out the Annual Report?
How long the process takes for completing the Annual Report will depend on the level of dialogue around each question. Leaders will work as a collaborative team and discuss consensus responses. We hope the report will stimulate conversations about your organization’s strengths and challenges. We recommend scheduling a stand-alone meeting in order to have time to focus on this valuable activity.

Will our organization be graded or judged by the HAA based on our answers?
Absolutely not! The HAA does not intend this tool to be prescriptive and recognizes that Clubs/SIGs are at different stages of development and not all goals for every
organization will be the same. We recognize that every Club/SIG will have areas that are stronger than others. Many times, you may decide that your organization is fine “as is.” If you feel that your organization is doing well, you should feel very comfortable remaining in your current state. If your organization finds an area where you want to build, the HAA and your assigned volunteer Director for Clubs and SIGs are here to help you realize your goals!

When does the Annual Report need to be submitted?
HAA Club and SIG leaders should receive an online version of the new Annual Report in early May. As with the previous version, it should be completed by June 30th. Because of this deadline, we hope you will schedule a meeting with key leadership to complete the report sometime in May or June.

Are there any benefits to completing the new Annual Report?
Yes! The Annual Report gives your organization a tool to self-evaluate on a yearly basis. We hope that this will allow you to take measure of where you are and where you might want to be on a regular cadence. You can also select strategies in areas you’d like ideas and receive them at the completion of the Annual Report. In addition, Clubs and SIGs who complete the report will receive an updated digital list of their members from the HAA in the fall, along with other support benefits.

Will help be provided, if needed?
Yes, please contact with any questions you may have about the new Annual Report.