Trademark Policy
Harvard University’s various trademarks (names and shields/logos) are used by members of the Harvard Community, including Harvard Clubs and Harvard Alumni Association Shared Interest Groups (HAA SIGs) with the express permission of the President and Fellows of Harvard College (hereinafter “Harvard,” “Harvard University” or “University”). Their use is governed by the University’s use-of-name policies and guidelines, which are administered by the Harvard Trademark Program on behalf of the Provost and the University. Harvard’s trademarks are also protected by trademark law.
Under Harvard’s use-of-name policies and guidelines, the University and its members have a responsibility to ensure that any implied association with the University is accurate. In addition to the requirements specifically outlined in these policies and guidelines, the following guidelines apply to all Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs:
1. All Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs recognize that Harvard’s various trademarks, including but not limited to “Harvard,” “Harvard University,” “Harvard Club,” “Harvard Alumni Association,” the Harvard VERITAS shield, and Harvard’s School shields and names are solely the property of Harvard University. All Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs further recognize that any marks authorized by Harvard University to be used by the Harvard Clubs or HAA SIGs are used with the permission of and under license from the University.
2. Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs are authorized to use: (a) “Harvard” as part of their name and (b) the “Harvard VERITAS Shield” along with their name (hereinafter, the “Authorized Marks”), provided that they conform to the following naming rules:
- a. Harvard Clubs must include the phrase “Harvard Club” in their name and follow the “Harvard Club of XYZ” naming convention.
- b. HAA SIGs must include “Alumni” in their name, and may not include the words “Association,” “Center,” “Club,” “Fund,” “Institute” or any word or phrase that may imply that membership is limited by geographic location.
3. Activities of Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs should always be described as being undertaken by the Harvard Club or HAA SIG (e.g. by the “Harvard Club of XYZ” or the “Harvard XYZ Alumni Group”) and not by “Harvard” or “Harvard University.”
4. The Authorized Marks may only be used to identify the Harvard Club or HAA SIG on the Club’s or SIG’s official signage, letterhead, business cards, and on certain types of insignia products (see Section 7 of these guidelines) which are created and intended for the specific use of the Harvard Club or HAA SIG.
5. Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs are permitted to create their own shield or logo. Newly created Harvard Club or HAA SIG shields may not alter the Harvard VERITAS shield in any way, cannot resemble any existing Harvard shields or logos, and must comply with Harvard’s Guidelines for the Creation of a New Shield Design or Logo by Harvard Departments, Units, and Officially Recognized Organizations for Themselves or Their Activities: . Newly-created shields or logos must have the written approval of the Trademark Program prior to use.
6. Under certain circumstances and within certain contexts, Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs may use the Harvard College and Harvard Graduate School shields collectively to demonstrate their commitment to all University alumni with written permission from the Trademark Program and the HAA. These shields may not be altered in any way.
7. Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs may create certain kinds of typical insignia items (such as t-shirts, sweatshirts, mugs, pens, etc.) bearing the Authorized Marks to be distributed based on the following guidelines:
- a. Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs may sell insignia items bearing the Authorized Marks only to their members for personal non-commercial use.
- b. Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs may give away insignia items bearing the Authorized Marks only to their members or donors for personal non-commercial use.
- c. Harvard Clubs and HAA SIGs may not sell or give away any items bearing any of the University’s trademarks, including the Authorized Marks, to the general public.
- d. The Authorized Marks may not be used in conjunction with other entities’ marks or brands, including those of donors or sponsors (no “co-branding”)
8. Permission must first be obtained in writing from the Trademark Program in order to use the Authorized Marks for any purpose other than those permitted under these guidelines or to use any of Harvard’s trademarks other than the Authorized Marks.
9. Registration of any of Harvard’s trademarks anywhere in the world, including “Harvard Club,” “Harvard Club of X,” “Harvard XYZ Alumni Group,” etc. can only be done with the prior, written permission of the Trademark Program in consultation with Harvard’s local trademark counsel. Any such registration if approved must be owned by and registered to the President and Fellows of Harvard College.
10. Failure of a Harvard Club or HAA SIG to comply with these guidelines may result in withdrawal of permission for it to use the Authorized Marks.
Questions regarding these guidelines should be directed to the Harvard Trademark Program at or the Harvard Alumni Association at