Asia-Pacific Harvard Centers Meeting

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 at 8:00 a.m. ET 


As hosting you in Cambridge is not possible for the 2021 HAA International Clubs, Contacts, Shared Interest Groups (SIGs) Leaders Meeting we have arranged for core sessions of this to be virtual.


The purpose of the HAA International Meeting is to provide a forum for inter-regional Club, Contact, & SIG leaders to get an update on the HAA priorities and University initiatives for possible collaborations outside of the United States. 


This virtual gathering will allow HAA Clubs, Contacts, and SIGs to join Harvard Centers from their specific region to learn about their work and exchange ideas for possible collaborations. 


Leading the session: Asia-Pacific Region

Tuesday, March 2, 2021 from 8:00am to 9:00am ET

In attendance: Harvard Asia-Center; Harvard China Fund; Harvard Committee on Australian Studies; Harvard Fairbank Center; Harvard Korea Institute; Harvard Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies; Harvard Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute; and the Harvard Weatherhead Center US-Japan Program.


Register here!



  • Attendance is only open to Club, Contact & SIG Board Members.  Multiple volunteers from each organization are welcome to attend.

  • Geographic sessions are intended for the specific region where your Club, Contact, and/or SIG is located. 

  • Please register at your earlist convenience to help panelists prepare their sessions in advance.

  • Please update to Zoom version 5.3.0 or higher prior to the meeting.