Creating and Communicating Value Proposition Session
Monday, April 19 at 2:00 p.m. ET
To view the recording of this event, please click here.
On April 19, 2021 from 2:00 – 3:00pm ET, Harvard Club and SIG leaders are invited to join us for a volunteer education session where we will learn how to create and communicate your organizations value proposition. We will hear from club and SIG leaders on the background of this session, including a ‘how-to’ document, as well as examples on how to put this into practice. There will be opportunity for breakout rooms to share best practices with one another.
Speakers include: Aleksandra Drecun MPA '10, Harvard Club of Serbia; Gautham Reddy AB '85, Harvard Club of Seattle; Caroline Weaver AB '13, Harvard-Radcliffe Club of Vermont & Andrew Grinstead AB '97, Harvard Christian Alumni Society
Prior to the event, we encourage you to read through the HAA Creating and Communicating Value Proposition Committee document.
While we’re unable to convene in person for the Alumni Leadership Conference and International Leadership Workshop this year, HAA Club and Shared Interest Group leaders and Contacts will gather remotely throughout the year to share best practices and hear from University leaders – no travel required! Please note this event is reserved for Club and Share Interest Group leaders. Click here for other upcoming opportunities to learn with and from your fellow alumni volunteer leaders.