Club and SIG Directors gathered at the Spring HAA Board Meeting in May. Our deepest gratitude to the outgoing Directors for their outstanding service and commitment to the HAA network: Dan Ahn AB’90, MBA’97, Jeff Bartel AB’88, Recep Bildik MPA’07, Shirley Cardona AB’06, MBA’12, Mauricio de la Garza MBA’06, Eddy Dominguez AB’01, Prashant Kandoi OPM’13, Waldemar Maj MBA’96, Gary Mitchell AB’89, JD’92, Jeannie Reeth AB’96, Jeff Stravino AB’92, Ann Elisabeth Stuart Samson AB’97, Meijie Tang AB’09, Roopal Thaker MPP’03, MTS’05, Ed Tijerina AB’87, Nell O’Donnell Weber EDM’10, EDD’19, and Veronica Wong AB’88, HLS’96.