Sponsorship Guidelines

The HAA recommends that Harvard Clubs and SIGs exercise caution in deciding to work with corporate sponsors. Specific questions concerning corporate sponsorship should be directed to the Harvard Trademark Program at trademark_program@harvard.edu.


General Guidelines: 


1. The names of sponsors for specific activities may be listed in publications or other print materials. The listing should not be done in such a way as to suggest affiliation with or endorsement of the sponsor or its products or services by the University or its units.


2. No sponsor or third party may use the Harvard name or insignia or those of any of Harvard schools or units ("Harvard University Trademarks") without express written permission from the Harvard Trademark Program.


3. Disclaimer language (to the effect that Harvard does not endorse products or services) must appear somewhere on all websites that include corporate names, logos, etc. No advertising text or banner ads are allowed. Sample text: “The views expressed during the event are solely those of the speaker and participating audience and do not imply endorsement by the Harvard Club of _____ and Harvard University.”


4. Express written permission must be given by the Harvard Trademark Program for the use of any Harvard University Trademarks on any non-Harvard web page, or in any marketing or promotional materials for such a web page (this needs to be made clear to sponsors).


5. Additionally, the HAA SIG Policy outlines that the amount of the SIG sponsorship must not exceed the greater of (1) the expenses for the particular event, or (2) the SIG’s annual operating expenses.


6. Harvard Clubs and SIGs can offer different sponsorship packages to corporate sponsors depending on the benefits offered. Typically, they might include giving the sponsor a booth or placing their logo on event flyers and promotional banners.


7. Be mindful of appropriate and feasible sponsors' requests.


8. Prepare a contract to establish basic terms.


9. Remind Board members of the HAA Trademark Policy found here: https://officerslounge.clubs.harvard.edu/article.html?aid=546 and their requirement to comply with the policy.


10. Sponsors are not to have access to the event’s registration list. 

For more information, view the Sponsorship Best Practices document.