International Leadership Workshop 2019


The HAA hosted the first International Leadership Workshop November 8-10, 2019 in Amsterdam. The conference brought together Club, Contact, and Shared Interest Group (SIG) volunteer leaders from six continents to build skills, share resources, discuss best practices, and explore common challenges. The weekend provided opportunity to network with fellow volunteer leaders and included an alumni event with President Lawrence S. Bacow JD ’76, MPP ’76, PhD ’78 .


Visit the International Leadership Workshop website and check out photos from the event.


2019 International Leadership Workshop Sessions included:

Harvard Alumni Association Resources and Insights

HAA staff members share insights and information to help you best serve your alumni communities.

Download the slides.


Organizational Insights: An Open Forum

Share with and learn from other Club and Shared Interest Group Leaders as the leaders of some of the HAA's newly recognized groups query the experience of the crowd.
Facilitator: Maria Carolina V. Dominguez AMP '12, Harvard Club of the Philippines and HAA Director for Clubs & Shared Interest Groups, Asia

Panelists: Frances Hsieh AB '95 of Harvard Alumni in Travel and Hospitality, Melli Nuraini Darsa LLM '94 of the Harvard Club of Indonesia, and Abdulaziz Hayat ALM '15 of the Harvard Club of Kuwait


Digital Strategies

Communication is the first alumni engagement behavior and the doorway to the other two (participation and volunteerism), and these days, Clubs and SIGs primarily communicate with their constituents digitally. Consider strategic approaches that are working for a range of organizations

Facilitator: Andre Du Sault MPA ’00, Harvard Club of Quebec and HAA Director for Clubs & Shared Interest Groups, Canada

Panelists: Regina Ryan MPA '04 of Harvard Alumni Entrepreneurs and Sajida Shroff EdM '95 of Harvard Alumni for Global Women’s Empowerment and the Harvard Club of the UAE

Download the slides.


Communities & Connections

Our Club & SIG communities are overlapping parts of a neural network of alumni communities. Learn how to leverage this vast network in support of your engagement efforts.

Facilitator: Kathleen Danoher MBA '98, Harvard Club of South Africa and HAA Director for Clubs & Shared Interest Groups, Sub-Saharan Africa

Panelists: Kimathi Kuenyehia LLM ’07 of the Harvard Club of Ghana, Duval Gumareas MPP’13 of the Harvard University Club of Brazil, Shobhana Rana AB ’88, ALM ’05  of the Harvard Club of India, Samuel Shapiro AB’08 of the Harvard Club of Quebec, and Tara Abrahams AB ’99, MBA ’04 of the Alumnae/i Network for Harvard Women


Membership Matters

Clubs & Shared Interest Groups take different approaches in defining who is a member of their organizations. Discover how these approaches are reflected in community dynamics and organizational bottom lines.

Facilitator: Pavlos Photiades AB ’88, Harvard Club of Cyprus and HAA Director for Clubs & Shared Interest Groups, Europe

Panelists: Jakob Haesler MPA '99 of the Harvard Club of France, Jun Tsusaka AB '83, MBA '88 of the Harvard Club of Japan, and Ivan Poza MBA '94 of the Harvard Club of Spain

Download the slides.

Also reference our Regional International Meeting archives.